We all know the importance of cleanliness when it comes to healthcare facilities. The impact that bacteria and viruses can have on both patients and staff is well documented. Though there are many different types of bacteria, some more harmful than others, they often lead to illness or infection, which could be very dangerous for everyone involved. That’s why it’s so important for these places to be cleaned up regularly. But what are the dangers of using low-quality healthcare cleaning services?

1. The Use of Low-Quality Cleaning Products

One of the most common issues is that some cleaning services use low-quality products. If this is done, they may not be as effective at killing off the bacteria. It may also leave a residue on surfaces, leading to cross-contamination and transfer of these dangerous microorganisms from one place to another. A good example would be if a dirty mop or sponge has been used to clean an area, and then this is left on a bench where it can spread bacteria to something else. These products are designed to kill off specific types of germs, so using the wrong ones could be even riskier.

2. Not Wearing the Proper Personal Protective Equipment

In addition to using the right cleaning products, it’s also important that everyone involved in cleaning healthcare facilities is wearing protective equipment. This includes gowns, gloves, and masks which stop harmful bacteria from spreading from one person to another. If the cleaning staff doesn’t wear these, it could lead to cross-contamination, which can put patients at risk.

3. A Rise in Hospital Acquired Infections

One of the most serious concerns is that using a low-quality healthcare cleaning service could lead to an increase in hospital-acquired infections. This has been shown to happen when poor hygiene practices are used by staff, allowing dangerous germs to spread throughout the facility. A rise in hospital-acquired infections can lead to increased costs as patients stay longer and require treatment for illnesses. In the worst-case scenario, some people may even lose their lives due to these types of infections.

4. A Loss of Patients and Reputation

The final danger is that a low-quality healthcare cleaning service could lead to a loss of patients. If healthcare facilities are seen as being dirty or unhygienic, people may choose to go somewhere else. This can also impact the facility’s reputation and lead to the loss of valuable funding from government sources or third-party payers.

About one in 31 hospital patients gets a healthcare-acquired infection on any given day. Preventing or eliminating these is easier with a high-quality healthcare cleaning service. Not only will they use the right types of cleaners and protective equipment, but they will ensure there is a strong culture of cleanliness throughout the entire team.